Thursday 1 September 2011

Statue of Senenmut and Neferure - Field Museum, Chicago Photos

Most of us are familiar with the block and seated (tutor) statues of Senenmut and Neferure. This standing statue of Senenmut holding Neferure (Museum Number 173800) seems to be unique.
Made of Diorite, it was gifted to the Field Museum by Stanley Field and Ernest R. Graham in 1925.

The following photographs were kindly provided by Bob Manske and Kmt-Sesh and used with permission.

The different views of the statue allow us to see this statue from more than the usual frontal views we are all used to seeing::

Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Bob Manske
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Kmt-Sesh
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Kmt-Sesh
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Kmt-Sesh
Senenmut with Princess Neferure. Diorite. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 173800
by Kmt-Sesh


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the photos..